Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Very Cool Piece of Media

           I think that this piece of art is very interesting, although I'm not totally sure about the whole meaning behind it, it always catches my eye. The first time I saw it was on the background of my friend's computer, she is pretty good at finding cool things like this! This creation makes me think of many different things every time I look at it, one of them being the connection between the Earth and Humans and how most people do not look at the world as they should. There is a lot of beauty that can be found all around us that is often overlooked, perfection is all around us, the only reason we don't live in a perfect world is because not everyone can see that.


  1. I love the lotness of color. I feel that this picture represents some kind of happiness and joy. The world isn't perfect, but I'm hoping when people open their eyes, maybe one day it will be.

  2. This is just an awesome picture. Thats all I can say.

  3. I have no idea what this ad is for.

    There's too much going on in this image for me. The lens-flair, fish-eye, exaggerated perspective of the figure, the point of view, that trail or something coming off the figure, hyper-realistic colors, that weird, twisty tree... This image is the "artist" saying "this is everything I know how to do; here it is all in one picture."

  4. I love how your eye is automatically drawn to the tree where the light is shining through its branches and the rays of light lead the eye around the whole image. The rainbow frame really helps to keep the focus on the tree and the figure in the image

  5. This is an interesting piece. I like the way that the artist played around with the perspective. The sheer abundance of color also serves to emphasize the surrealism of the picture.

  6. Great image. This image has a lot going on, but its colors make it very interesting. Also, i agree with you,...theirs a lot of beauty on this earth. Theirs things that make this earth look great. Just image if we didn't have trees?? I think this image tells a lot, and i just think that the image is so creative. Interesting what people can do with Adobe. Also i have found out that people with artistic skills, have an advantage on this field. They can make things look better because of their hand skill and imagination to see and do things.

  7. Very cool image. The positioning of the tree and person make them seem like things of power, while the circular rainbow also keeps the viewer focused on the middle of the image, while keeping with the theme of the image.

  8. Wow! ...this image is so puts me in the mind of the sixties and the psychedelic artwork that was created in that era.
